2023-11-12, Church of Förslöv, Sweden
”Fridens väg”, a mass from Bjäre is performed in Förslöv church.
composer and sound artist
2023-11-12, Church of Förslöv, Sweden
”Fridens väg”, a mass from Bjäre is performed in Förslöv church.
23-11-01-23-11-05 RAVINEN kulturhus, Båstad, Sweden
A number of electronic music pieces by Stefan Klaverdal is performed in this five-day nonstop electronic music and sound art week at RAVINEN kulturhus. Open to all ages the music is performed with moving lights in conjuction to Halloween and on the theme of Horror music.
Some of the music performed comes from this album
23-11-01, streaming services everywhere
The new opera Falling Apart – Falling in Love is released in album format on the streaming service of your choice. Label: dynamik – ljud och musikproduktion. Link TBA.
2023-10-29, Ravinen kulturhus, Båstad, Sweden
2023-10-28, St Anna kyrka, Helsingborg, Sweden
2023-10-01, Asarum kyrka, Asarum, Sweden
First performance of ”Säg att ljuset är på väg”, a new song cycle on lyrics by the Iranian-Swedish poet Jila Mossaed, performed by Noora Karhuluoma (soprano), Johan Sandberg (tenor) and Nils Tykesson (piano).
2023-10-16, Cathedral of Lund, Sweden
First performance of ”vid porten” a new oratory for the 900 year anniversary of the Cathedral of Lund. Composed for three choirs, solo soprano, electronics and a small symphonic orchestra. The performing choirs have uniquely taken an active part in the actual composition process, as well as contributing to parts of the lyrics. However, most of the lyrics is written by Swedish poet Åsa Maria Kraft, including a new hymn to the church. The project is commmissioned by the Cathedral and funded by the Stiftelsen Signatur
More about the performance at Lund Choral Festival
23-10-14, 20.00, Lunds domkyrka
Choir piece ”Gud är ljus” is performed by Johan Magnus Sjöberg Vocal Ensemble during ”Lunds Konstkväll” (Art Evening).
23-08-15, everywhere
thin places, written to pianist Peter Knudsen and guitarist David Härenstam is released on the album ”all in twillight” today!
Review in Sydsvenskan as well as Musicweb international gives high praise and says that ”Electronic sounds might be frightening and lifeless, but here they seem to belong to a better world. We all need comfort in the cruel world of today, and here is some to savour.”
July 11-16th, 2023, Skåne, Sweden
In Between Music Festival, for music in between genres.
New and old pieces performed during the festival. One of the concerts hosts the acrobatic opera ”Falling”:
July 11th (Hjärnarp church): Naturen är nära. Dance performance with Waileth/Bardon, Klaverdal and David Härenstam, guitar. Music by Stefan Klaverdal based on sounds from nature.
July 14th (Hjärnarp church): Midnattssånger. New piece ”The slumbering green” is performed by Minna Weurlander and David Härenstam
July 16th (Ravinen, Båstad): Falling apart, falling in love. The new opera is performed in concert format by Lisa Hansson, Agnes Wästfelt, Iryna Serotyuk and David Härenstam.