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The Longing of Eurydice

Vl, pi, tape


15:00 ca

Stefan Klaverdal


Score as PDF-file

Computer part as mp3 - part 1 part 2




CD can be ordered from here


About the piece

This piece is inspired by the classical myth about Orpheus and Eurydice, their love, longing and despair. As Eurydice died unexpectedly right after their wedding she ended up in the underworld, possibly longing for her lover. Orpheus tried to free her by playing and singing the best he could for Hades and Persephone, succeeded but then ended up betraying both of them by not being able to wait to look upon Eurydice until they reached the surface, thus returning her to the underworld.

Then Orpheus, in his grief ended up getting mutilated by the daughters of Dionysus, and his head thrown in the river, there forever to continue his mourning.

So they both ended up longing for each other, without being able to meet, even in death.





The Longing of Eurydice

Vl, pi, tape


15:00 ca

Stefan Klaverdal


Detta stycke Šr inspirerat av den klassiska myten om Orfeus och Eurydice, av deras kŠrlek, lŠngtan och fšrtvivlan.

Efter att Eurydice ovŠntat dog precis efter bršllopet och hamnade i dšdsriket kan man anta att hon lŠngtar efter sin man. Enligt myten fšrsškte Orfeus fria henne genom att spela och sjunga sŒ bra han kunde fšr dšdsrikets hŠrskare, Hades och Persephone. Han lyckades, men fšrstšr sedan allt genom att han inte har tŒlamod att vŠnta tills de har nŒtt de levandes vŠrld med att titta pŒ Eurydice, varpŒ hon kastas tillbaka till dšdsriket.

Orfeus hamnade sŒledes i hŠnderna pŒ Dionysos dšttrar, hans Šnnu levande huvud kastat i en flod dŠr han fšr evigt tvingas att fortsŠtta sin klagan.

BŒda Šlskande fortsŠtter sŒ att lŠngta efter varandra utan mšjlighet att trŠffas igen, ens i dšden.