080602, 19.30, Båghallarna, Malmö
Mänskligt Mönster / Human Pattern is screened at a multimedia concert with ensemble Ars Nova.
Performance in Malmö
080529, 20:00, Nya Tröls, Malmö (Sweden)
Dual Chant for violin and computer is performed with Anne Sophie Andersen at Klubb C-Y, this time with an art video built on the structure of the music.
Performance with inandout and two recorders
080529, 20.00, Nya Tröls, Malmö (Sweden)
New piece for two computers and two recorders written and performed in collaboration with the computer duo ”inandout”(Hjorth/Klaverdal) and Annie Lönngren and Ida Höög (recorders)
Performance in Malmö
080518, 19.30, Malmö Academy of Music, Malmö (Sweden)
Dual Chant for violin and computer is performed with Anne Sophie Andersen in a concert with Ensemble for new music.
Review of orchestra piece – an intense premiere!
Bonorum Summum Omnium was reviewed in Sydsvenskan by Matti Edén april 28th! He writes that the music is ”using repetition without getting caught in the minimalist genre.” He also called the performance ”An intense premiere!”
Screening of Insyn at Cinemateket in Copenhagen
080429, 19.15, Cinemateket, Copenhagen, Denmark
The dancefilm Insyn will be shown at Cinemateket in Copenhagen, Denmark.
It is an event during ”Dansens Dag” (the day of dance).Inysn is a movie by Klara Elenius with music by Stefan Klaverdal. It has been awarded many prizes in international competitions during the past year.
First performance of commission for soprano, computer and orchestra
080426: 16.00, Konserthuset, Kristianstad
080427: 18.00, Aula Magna, Lund
Bonorum Summum Omnium, a new piece for soprano, computer and orchestra, composed to Akademiska Kapellet and comissioned by Lund University is premiered!
First performance of piece for trumpet, percussion and computer
080327: 20.00, Nya Tröls, Malmö
and then I saw, a new piece for trumpet, percussion and computer, composed to Per Ivarsson and Núria Andorrà is premiered at Klubb C-Y.
New electronic piece for Stockholm City School of Arts
080314, Stockholm
Dialog, an electronic piece made from young peoples voices is previewed as a part of the project Dialogue. The finished version will be premiered in Liverpool, UK during october.
Two dancefilms at the same time
080228: 20.00, Nya Tröls, Malmö
Human Pattern and Insyn, is both screened at the short film night with Klubb C-Y:4.