Portrait in concert and pre-CD release

100426, 19.00, Skissernas Museum, Lund, Sweden

Concert with music by Klaverdal. Performance of eyes like a flame of fire with Annie Lönngren on recorder, a home for demons with Johan Westerberg and Christian Ekstedt and first performance of The Sacred Family with the string quartet Vindla.

The music is from the CD ”Revelations” that will be released on C-Y contemporary very soon, containing the revelation pieces – chamber music for few instruments and computer/electronics thematically derived from the book of revelation and the mentioned string quartet. News on the actual release will be posted soon!

Performance of Music installation

100409, 21:00, Lund Cathedral (Domkyrkan), Lund, Sweden
100411, 11:00, Mariakyrkan, Helsingborg, Sweden
100418, 18:00, St Johannes k:a, Malmö, Sweden

First performance of EAM-piece/Music installation du som gick före oss on Swedish Psalm 74. The performance is a part of the night service ”Creation” using improvised music on texts by Olof Hartman.

The piece is a commission from Lunds Domkyrkoförsamling/Lunds Stift.

Opening of sound installations in Lund

100310, 14.00, Barn och Ungdomssjukhuset i Lund / Childrens Hospital in Lund, Sweden

Opening of three permanent sound installations commissioned by the hospital. The pieces are part of a project called ”Sinnesupplevelser” (approx. ”Exeriences of your Senses”) The titles are: Elefantpiano/Elephant piano, Tecknad spegel/Drawn mirror and Sommar/Summer.

Songs of Insanity in Malmö

100208, 19.30, Paladium, Malmö, Sweden

Performance of the performance opera Songs of Insanity in collaboration with singer Lisa Hansson. The opera evolves around insanity among women both during the 1800s and today, using BelCanto operas as well as a diary from a young Schizofrenic woman.

Levande Vatten (Living Water) in new performance

100110, 18.00, Kirsebergs kyrka, Malmö, Sweden

Performance of the oratory Levande Vatten in evening service with Alexander Einarsson and Kirsebergs Kammarsångare. The service also contains a baptism, thus connecting strongly with the theme for the oratory.

Release of new CD with music for chamber ensemble

091204, 19.30, Malmö Academy of Music, Malmö, Sweden

Release of the CD ”Sounding Images” with the Ensemble for New Music and Anna Rombach (conducting). The CD contains the piece And when I turned composed directly for ENM and had its première during spring 2009.